Tax Rates

Property owners are subject to the tax rate for their particular property's taxing district. Tax rates, or millage rates are decided by each individual taxing authority based upon their projected budgetary needs and the estimated taxable value of all property within their district. Each taxing authority holds a public meeting each year in September. The date, time, and location of the meeting is on the back side of the TRIM notice you receive each August.

Breakdown of Millage Rate per Taxing Authority
Taxing Authority 2023 Rate
Board of County Commissioners 7.2916
School Board - State and Local 5.4210
City of Macclenny 3.6000
Hospital 0.9202
St. John's Water Management District 0.1793
Suwannee River Water Management District 0.3113
Total Millage Rate by Taxing District
Taxing District Total Rate
County (CO, SA, GL, MA) District 13.8121
City of Macclenny (MC) District 17.4121
Suwannee River (SR) District 13.9441